Spread of H1N1

March 30, 2011 at 5:17 pm (Evolution, Health, Medical Discoveries) (, , )

What is the H1N1 virus? The H1N1 virus is the most common cause of human influenza. Some of these viruses are very serious and deadly while others are easy to rid of. Swine influenza is in some pigs and when eaten could spread. The Swine Flu outbreak scared and shocked people. Thousands of citizens were hospitalized and this worried scientists.

In our past history we have come across the H1N1 virus very frequently. The first outbreak was in 1917, and was targeted at elderly people. A year later there was another outbreak killing 50 million people who was the percent of the world’s population. The most recent outbreak was in 2009, and about 17,000 people caught it in the first week. H1N1 is a global disaster and has stirred up problems in other continents. An example of this was in India and people who spit in public somehow contracted the disease. But scientists ar5e researching how H1N1 is able to spread so fast and may help other viruses to become more deadly. AS time goes on researchers now that these viruses and flu’s will advance as times goes on.

Overall, this virus is very serious and precautions should be taken. I think the virus is sort of helping us in some way. These viruses show us to take care of our bodies and become more hygienic. First of you should wash your hands with water and anti bacterial soap before you eat and after going to the bathroom. Another tip is to avoid touching your mouth or eyes because this is a very easy entrance for a virus. Also getting vaccines for the virus improved to be helpful. In the 1917 they didn’t have advanced inventions or very helpful vaccines but now they’re available. So I suggest getting the vaccines.



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