Read my Lips

March 8, 2010 at 7:51 pm (Technology) (, )

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) might have solved all your privacy problems. Have you ever been on the phone engaged in a conversation that you wanted to make sure your parents couldn’t over hear? The solution is here; a cellphone that can read your lips – literally.

Check out this article for a more in depth look into the science behind this modern technology. Do you think this might actually catch on? What are some of the drawbacks?

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Orange is HOT!

March 7, 2010 at 2:00 pm (Amazing Videos, Animals) (, , )

According to Kevin Omland, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Maryland at Baltimore County, the brightness and color of a male duck’s (drake) bill and feet has everything to do with whether or not he is going to impress the ladies. The orange color is evidence that he is eating a healthy diet full of carotenoids, beta-carotene and vitamin A, which in turn means he is a healthy and smart mate.

In the world of evolution and mating, vibrant colors are telltale signs of good genes and a good mate! Check out how the blue-footed boobies court their lovers.

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Texas Losing Trust and Setting Back Science

March 2, 2010 at 8:00 am (Genetics) (, , , , )

When watching shows such as Law & Order and CSI you have probably heard the term CODIS referred to many times and you might not have fully understood what is meant.  CODIS stands for Combined DNA Index System, and is used by the FBI along with other law enforcement agencies to keep track of DNA samples from prior crimes and criminals to use for comparisons in new unsolved cases that have DNA evidence. Basically once your DNA is in the system you cannot hide from future crimes if you leave a single cell behind! Now this is only one way DNA is stored in an index system, but keep it in mind as you read further.

In Texas, doctors took blood samples of newborn babies and ran genetic screening on them. Obviously done with good intentions, parents originally had no concerns regarding these tests, with the understanding that they would be gaining knowledge to help treat any future genetic disorders their child may have. However, the parents never agreed or signed any papers allowing the state to store this genetic information and form their own data base. The state went ahead and formed this database without the parents’ permission. Luckily for the state the samples were kept anonymous (you could not tell one sample from the next in regards to which baby it was taken from).

However, one can see where issues could easily arise from the State of Texas taking this information and forming a data base with it. In a country where freedom is cherished and there is a constant struggle for our rights, some may say this has crossed the line. Where one used to have committed a heinous crime to have their DNA stored in an international database, now all one has to do is be born?

Not only have they caused a stir amongst these parents, but in a time where volunteers are needed in great numbers for genetic testing, Texas may have just set science back by losing these volunteers’ trust. Who wants to volunteer their genetic information if it may become public knowledge or possibly stored in a government database?

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Test Tube Babies Suffer in the Aftermath

February 23, 2010 at 7:03 pm (Genetics, Meiosis) (, , , , )

Many of you may have heard the term “test-tube baby” used before but been unsure what exactly was meant by it. Over two decades ago scientists and doctors conceived a way to help couples experiencing difficulties with becoming pregnant. They called it assisted reproductive technology (ART), the most common type being in vitro fertilization (IVF). ART refers to many different treatments that aid in the fertilization of a woman’s egg by a sperm cell ranging from fertility drugs to IVF (more commonly known as a “test-tube baby”). IVF occurs in a laboratory setting when a woman’s egg is placed in a Petri dish with male sperm cells, once one sperm cell fertilizes the egg, doctors wait about five days to ensure fertilization and proper development and then implant the embryo into the uterus.

Procedures such as the one described above were once thought to be the answer to couples’ fertility problems. Doctors ensured patients that children who were conceived in this manner would not suffer from any immediate or long-term side effects. At the time research supported their claims.

Recently new research has surfaced that indicates the contrary. Temple geneticist Carmen Sapienza was reported to have said at a recent conference:

“Children conceived through ART are more prone to low birth weights, birth defects and genetic abnormalities, contrary to previous studies showing little or no differences between lab-made babies and those conceived the old-fashioned way.”

What are some of the potential causes for these defects that scientists are looking into?

Dyer, Nicole. “For Test-Tube Babies, Synthetic Environment Could Cause Lasting Genetic Damage | Popular Science.” Popular Science | New Technology, Science News, The Future Now. N.p., n.d. Web. 23 Feb. 2010. <;.

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Blasting Brains with Ultrasound

February 18, 2010 at 2:23 pm (Medical Discoveries) (, , , , )

In the United States, the leading causes of death are heart disease and cancer.  Following close behind, in third place, with 137,119 deaths reported in 2006, are strokes (cerebrovascular diseases)[1]. Cerbro refers to the brain, vascular refers the blood vessels and arteries.  A stroke is caused when either a blood clot or a fatty deposit (usually the result of Atherosclerosis) blocks the flow of blood in the vessels and arteries leading to the brain therefore, depriving the brain of oxygen.

 The immediate treatments for such a blockage are currently either drugs which attempt to either thin the blood or minimize the plaque build up or an invasive surgery to remove the actual clot.  As one can imagine, when dealing with the brain, more often than not these surgeries prove too risky and can not be performed.  However, doctors have recently discovered a new way to blast these clots to smithereens without even breaking the skin.  They suggest that by using an ultrasound and sending ultrasound waves through your brain, one can hone in on the clot and basically rattle it to pieces in less than a minute.

 Doctors are currently in clinical trials testing this procedure on animals and human cadavers. They hope it will be approved by 2011.

[1] “FASTSTATS – Leading Causes of Death.” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. N.p., 31 Dec. 2009. Web. 18 Feb. 2010. nchs/FASTATS/lcod.htm>.

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Little Miss Piggy May Save Your Life

February 17, 2010 at 2:12 pm (research) (, , )

Someday you may be proud to be called a “Pig”: This could mean that you have received an organ transplant compliments of Miss Piggy.  Recently, researchers in Australia have discovered the ability of using pig lungs to properly and safely oxygenate human blood.  This is a fantastic discovery, as swine (pig) organs are virtually the same size as human organs, giving us a source for organs outside our own species.

This is great; the right size organs readily available to us, and no human life would be lost in the process! So why aren’t we already doing it, why is this so difficult?  You might recall in our discussion on cancer and different types of treatments that in order for a leukemia patient to receive a bone marrow transplant, they have to find a donor that matches their blood and antibody type.  If it is hard for your body to accept cells from another human being you can imagine how it would be next to impossible for your body to accept cells or organs from a PIG!

This is no longer the case due to genetic engineering!  Scientists have been able to remove the gene that restricts inter-species (human to swine) compatibility, therefore allowing pig organs to function properly when they come in contact with human blood.

Reseachers are saying they hope to make these new donors available in the next five years.

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The Future in Male Contraceptives

February 10, 2010 at 3:07 pm (Meiosis) (, , , )

In the previous post, I discussed the detrimental affect of marijuana on sperm cells. In short, how the chemicals present in marijuana lower the pH of the cells surrounding the sperm and trick the sperm into believing it is in a place of activation (the female vagina has a low pH). The low pH triggers the release of a protein called Hv1, this protein triggers the sperm cell to begin swimming. Unfortunately, if the sperm starts to swim too early it will literally burn-out before it is able to reach the egg.

Using the the chemical endocannabinoid anandamide, found in marijuana, scientists are proposing this could be the future in male contraceptives. It is not likely that this pill will be available to men anytime soon, as there is still research to be done. Endocannabinoid anandamide also affects other chemical reactions in the body that we may not know of yet, so there is the possibility that the side effects could outweigh the benefits of the drug.

Do you see this being a popular choice on contraceptive in the future? What are some of the other risks that would still be present during sexual intercourse even if using the pill?

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One Woman’s Immortal Contribution to Science

February 8, 2010 at 6:11 pm (Cancer) (, , )

In every science lab around the world, it is probable that you will find a cell that originated from the cervix of one Henrietta Lacks.

In 1951,Henrietta Lacks had a biopsy performed on cells found in her cervix, she was soon diagnosed with cervical cancer. Unfortunately, she died a mere eight months later.However, her cancerous cells live on for eternity in a Petri dish. As you know, cancer is caused by uncontrolled growth. After Henrietta’s biopsy, her cancerous cells were sent to John Hopkins Hospital for further research. These cells have continued to grow and divide since 1951 and have provided scientists with the means to study cancer and so much more. For more on what Henrietta’s cancerous cells have done for science, read on.

Also feel free to do a little research on Henrietta’s cells and their history at

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Last Call?

February 3, 2010 at 9:05 pm (Cancer) (, , )

With cancer being the topic of the week I thought you would find this article particularly interesting. We have discussed how genetics, diet, life style choices, environment, and viruses can all play a role in causing cancer, but what about that little device you are so quick to put by your brain.

Can cell phones really cause cancer?

Numerous studies are currently being conducted around the world trying to answer this question. It is thought that just like smoking, the damage done by cell phones might take decades to actually appear as a tumor. This makes our ability to research the correlation between cell phones and brain tumors more difficult as it will have to span out over the course of many years.

What will you do in the meantime, what precautions could you take?

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Skipping Steps

February 2, 2010 at 12:52 pm (Stem Cells) (, , )

Previously in class, we had discussed how stem cells have the ability to differentiate or change into many different types of cells (remember our comparison to a lump of clay ready to be molded).  This trait alone makes them very enticing to scientists searching for treatments to diseases such as Alzheimer’s.  Such a disease that degrades brain neurons has no cure.  This is due to the fact that neurons do not have the ability to regenerate or go through mitosis.  Once these cells are damaged or destroyed your body has no means of correcting or replacing them.

Using stem cells scientists had hoped they would be able to treat diseases or develop therapies for spinal or brain injuries. Governmental restrictions in the use of available stem cell lines had made it difficult to pursue this research until recently. However with a recent discovery, stem cells may no longer be deemed necessary for the treatment to such diseases or injuries.

For more information read on…

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